
Low-Income Representatives Democratic Selection

Nomination deadline extended to March 27, 2024

Who should consider running as a low-income Board Representative

People with a passion for helping and willingness to represent the low-income population in a non-judgmental manner.  HARCATUS would encourage any of the following to consider running:

  • Current or former HARCATUS customers
  • Those who have experienced poverty in some way, either firsthand or indirectly
  • Those who worked or work with the low income population

HARCATUS embraces diversity and our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals and families by minimizing the effects of poverty, promoting self-sufficiency and advocating for positive change. We are an equal opportunity organization and our services are provided without prejudice. 

What kind of responsibilities do HARCATUS Board members have

  • Be a voice for the low-income community
  • Participate in strategic planning and assessments to ensure needs of the low-income community are being met through HARCATUS programs
  • Fiduciary oversight
  • Review and approve a large number of federal and state grants (for example, Head Start, HEAP, Weatherization, etc.)
  • Ensure the agency is in compliance with the organizational standards as well as state and federal funding requirements
  • Approve job descriptions and the wage scale for the agency
  • Establish and maintain bylaws
  • Review and approve policies
  • Elected low-income representatives serve a term of two years (current election for June 2024 - June 2026)
  • Attend and actively participate in monthly Board meetings (approximately 1 hour in length)
  • Serve on appointed committees

What is the time commitment

The HARCATUS Board of Directors currently meets once per month on the 4th Wednesday; January – November at 1 p.m. and meetings usually last around an hour in New Philadelphia. Board committees meet as needed throughout the year. 

The terms of this appointment/election is June 2024 - June 2026

How many low-income seats are available

HARCATUS must have two low-income representatives from each of the three counties served.

Why we are having a democratic selection

As a federally recognized Community Action Agency, HARCATUS is required to have representation from the low-income population (democratically selected), public sector (by appointment), and private sector (by appointment) of each county we serve (Harrison, Carroll, and Tuscarawas). Low-income representation is a vital part of how we determine the current needs of the low-income community and the best ways to address those needs. To represent the low-income population, an individual must be democratically selected through the HARCATUS low-income election process.

Eligibility requirements nominees must agree to in order to be on the ballot

  • Cannot be a relative of any HARCATUS staff member
  • Have experience with poverty, either firsthand or indirectly, or have worked with the low-income population
  • Maintain acceptable attendance
  • New Board members must have Wi-Fi and email capabilities to receive official correspondence
  • Complete a full Board of Directors Candidate Application (don't worry, we can help with this!)
  • Pass a BCI and FBI background check (this is provided free at our Central Office in Dover)
  • Follow safety protocols, including COVID guidelines
  • If elected, attend new Board member orientation and complete state required forms annually
  • If you work for a partner agency/organization, understand that you are representing the low-income community and not yourself or your employer. Click HERE to learn more about the three primary duties of a nonprofit governing board.

Share your wealth of experience by giving back and serving your community!

By serving on the HARCATUS Board of Directors you can positively impact the lives of so many residents in our tri-county service area. Strengthening individuals and families leads to stronger, more stable communities.

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